In compliance with the directives issued by the Ministry of Health regarding the precautionary measures against the Corona Virus (COVID-19) and to create a safe working environment, the Information and Software Company Limited (Infosoft) has taken a number of measures and precautions to protect the employees and employees of the company in the general framework of corona virus prevention ..
As the work environment cleaning has been intensified periodically and care is taken to clean all surfaces in the company, such as door handles, offices, etc., using appropriate sterilization cleaning materials while providing sterilization products, napkins, masks, and hand gloves to employees.
For his part, the company’s general manager, Mr. Nasser Al-Hammami, stressed the company’s keenness and concern for the health of all employees and affirming the issuance of several instructions to the employees, stating the necessity of adhering to the precautions during official working hours by wearing masks and gloves while cleaning the hands constantly and rubbing them with an alcohol cleanser or washing them well with water and soap in addition to the commitment of employees not to Colleagues sharing personal offices or business tools such as computers and telephones and the rest of the tools and hanging stickers below avoid handshaking and hugging at work.
This precautionary and preventive measures are considered within the framework of integration with governmental and societal efforts to confront this global virus.