
In conjunction with the end of the calendar year 2020, the development department of the Information and Software Company Ltd. (Infosoft) announced the completion of programming the inventory application with smart devices, which enables companies and institutions to save time and effort when inventorying their warehouses and their inventory items, by using easy methods and means while obtaining quick and more accurate reports and results. .

The product is characterized by many features, including:

Download the program to the Manual Inventory Machines

The program can be downloaded on the mobile phone

The device is not required to connect to the server

Inventory data can be sent to the server directly

The ability to make a quantitative comparison for a specific item

Inventory backup can be made

Enter inventory data in several ways:

Barcode reading from laser barcode device

Barcode reading from mobile camera

Manual addition of the barcode number

Manual addition of the item number

To request a product and more details, we are pleased to contact you

